We took you through an easy step-by-step guide to download, install and use Supreme Builds Kodi Wizard. You can comment below or reach out to us if you face any trouble with any of the instructions in the installation guide.

Go back to the Kodi home screen and access the wizard from Program addons under the addons option. You have successfully installed the Supreme Builds Wizard on Kodi. If your installation fails, you can clear the cache and try installing again. You will get a notification once the installation is completed.

Select “Install from repository” on the same page.You will see a notification “addon installed” on the top right corner of your screen. For demonstration, we selected “My Supreme Build” in this article. Next, select the name of your Supreme Build.

A warning box will pop up, informing you to update the addon manually, if necessary.Now click on the “Install from zip file” option.You will now see a box-like icon on the top-left corner of your screen.Next, go back to the Kodi home screen.Use something relatable that you’d be able to identify ) ( Tip: Don’t use a name that’s difficult to remember. We’ve used “My Supreme Build”, for instance. You will now see a blank tab under “Enter a name for this media source.” Click on the box and enter a name of your choice.(Mind the typos, the URL is case sensitive) Type the URL to download Supreme Builds Wizard. Select located under the subhead ‘Enter the paths or browse for the media locations’ A new window named Add file source will pop up.Now, double-click “add source”, located either on the left or right side of the panel.Go to Settings again and select File Manager (It will be the first icon on the top panel).Yay! Your Kodi application is now ready to download Supreme Builds Wizards.